But capturing a clear video can still be a little tricky. The Microscan Manual has some helpful hints so we’ll start by extracting some of the more important ones.
Brace Yourself
There are two different methods for holding the probe described in our manual. While you’re training, try both and see which one feels more natural. It can help to steady the probe by bracing yourself with your non dominant elbow against the bed as seen in the photo above. Keeping the patient comfortable also helps. If their mouth is open too wide it may reduce the image quality.
It can be hard to avoid creating pressure artifacts. Applying too much will occlude flow, too little and you might not be able to focus. Check out an example of what a pressure artifact looks like here. The more you practice the easier it will become to judge the right amount of pressure.
Plastic Caps
Always remember to keep the lens of the device covered with a plastic cap. It helps to designate one cap to use for storing the probe. Also, make sure the cap is fully secured before beginning your scan. A red light will stay on until the cap is secured. It will be impossible to get a focused image if this is not secured.
Keep it Charging
When you are not using the device remember to keep the battery pack and the laptop plugged in so they keep a charge. And while everything is tethered to the wall, why not back up your scans on an external drive?